Helping You Make Sense of Medicare
Many Americans think Medicare covers all of your healthcare needs at age 65. Most of the time, this isn’t the case. Let’s take a look at the basics of Medicare.
The Basics of Medicare
Medicare Part A – Hospitalization
With Medicare Part A, you pay during your working years. An amount is usually deducted from you pay check. This covers hospitalization cost. There is a deductible that you must pay in the event of hospitalization and there is a 60 day benefit period.
Medicare Part B – Medical
Part B covers doctor visits, labs, and outpatient services. There is a monthly premium cost to you and a coinsurance payment that you pay the doctor when services are provided.
Medicare Part C – Medicare Advantage Plan
Part C is generally a private insurance that includes parts A, B, and D in 1 plan. There may be a monthly premium and deductible.
Medicare Part D – Prescription Drugs
Medicare Part D is a private insurance that covers prescription drugs. There could be a deductible and there is a monthly premium.

Finding The Medicare Plan That Is Best For You
There are additional cost involved in using your Medicare. There are ways to help eliminate or reduce some of the deductibles and perhaps the premiums should you qualify. At a minimum, you will want to get Part A & B when you are first eligible for Medicare – usually at age 65. There are penalties if you choose not to get Part B when you are first eligible and want it in the future. There are also penalties involved if you delay entry into a Part D prescription plan.
This can all be very confusing. The staff at Southwind Agency is dedicated to helping guide you through the choices and selecting a plan of action that best serve you.
Minimizing Your Cost / Maximizing Your Deductible
Your Health Insurance coverage can actually get quite pricey without careful research. There are plans like Medi-gap or Medicare Supplements. These are offered through private insurance companies. If you obtain these supplements as you age into Medicare you do not have to medically qualify. However, if you choose to wait you will have to answer medical questions and qualify based on your existing health.
Your friends at South Wind Agency can help you minimize your cost and maximize you deductibles with the right plan for your needs.

Getting The Results That You Want!
The staff at South Wind Agency has served North Georgia for years by helping you make sense of the Healthcare Chaos. Check out our Events Page to learn about our next free workshop. Contact Us using the website form to Start A Quote or give us a call at 706.867.0009 today.

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144 South Wind Drive
Dahlonega, Ga 30533
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